Monday, 5 December 2016

My favorite TV show

Hello bloggers, today I talk about my favorite TV show, probably you know it, I like "friends", "the big bang theory" and "How I meet your mother", I start to saw them in the warner channel 4 years ago and continued to see the chapters on the internet.

In the series, one of the most I like is " how I meet your mother", this serie start when Ted Mosby decides tell his children in 2030 how he knows his mother, started account the year 2005 when he was friend with Marshall(lawyer) in the university and Lili(educator) was the girlfriend, they turn nine years to engagement so Ted and Barney(, the other friend, worry because they follow single and started to look a girlfriend, in that momento Ted meet with Robin, she is a reporter, her relationship don't work and she include in the friends group.

The history pass in 15 years where one of them had relationship with persons, breaks, wedding, sons, travels and we can see her relation of friend, but the most important is to Ted always felt love for Robin and finally when had 40 years be together, but she don't was the mother of children.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Buena Alelin-kai, hace la monografĂ­a!

  3. Thats a really nice serie !, you should do the monography

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